
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Assalamualaikum and hi all :)

Last Sunday I went to my ex-schoolmate wedding a.k.a one of my closest friend a.k.a my physics mentor for SPM, my reminder, and rocker islamic friend. Banyaknya title awak Raan dalam hidup aku. Hahahaha.

2 weeks before her wedding day.... Got an invitation in my SEMESTA whatsapp group with wedding invitation card tittle "Dr Farah Hanna and Dr Miqdam" What?? Raan going to be off market?? Alhamdulillah!! Sure her love story is soooo sweet. I believe she sticks with her stand to fall in love after married. :D

On her wedding day obviously all purple theme la wey.. Raan and I sharing our favourite colour which is PURPLE. Can't deny that. She is pretty like princess. So happy for her!! Ya ALLAH, bless her marriage with beautiful life and kids and all~ Amiin in shaa ALLAH. Dear Raan, kau tetap gangster beb! I laftchhuuuuu. Dah berlaki dah kau ea...

Weols. Mostly semua dah kerja. Alhamdulillah :D

Well, wedding means Mini Reunion la beb.. Met a lots of my high school gangsta and we took a lot of pictures. Sikit2 selfie. Hahaha. Kalau masa sekolah dulu dah ada selfie tak taw la weyhhh. Nak gi prep selfie, nak gi surau selfie, kat Dewan makan selfie, kat study room selfie, masa hari sukan selfie. Wahh penuh memori weyhhh!

Then another sweet momento happened is my Biology teacher coming to Raan's wedding too! Ya Allah it has been ages not seeing her. She still pretty and young like before. She is no longer teaching at our school. Still she remember each of us and greeted us very friendly. Aaaa comelnya teacher Hajar!~~

My Guru kelas a.k.a Bio teacher

and here... US!

SEMUA belum off market lagi. hehehe

Till we meet next wedding ya :)

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