Jjajangmyeon Experience

Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Assalamualaikum and hi all :)

Laamaaaa tak berupdate blogku.. Sorry readers. Banyak dah taip tapi terkepam je entry tu atas sebab2 tertentu. Ceywahh!

Korang pernah dengar nama Korean dish Jjajangmyeon? Ahad lepas aqma first time cuba makan jjajangmyeon. Before this kalau pergi ke Korean restaurant suka order sup kimchi dia. Ni semua pengaruh sebab malam sebelum keluar tu aqma tengok Running Man episod yang diorang makan Jjajangmyun. Hahaha.

Aqma makan jjajangmyun ni dekat B.Bap restaurant kat ioi city mall. Mula2 nervous juga nak rasa sebab benda tak pernah makan. I chose to eat the chicken first and it was so tender and nice. Bila dah gaul all the mee and others not bad la. Tak la rasa bean paste tu sangat. Boleh order lagi nanti :)

Actually ni first time gi kedai ni selalunya gi Dubuyo je. Thanks to my beloved sister from different parents yang suggest this place. She was having Chicken Kimchi Jigae. Sedap jugak. Kuah dia pekat and tak pedas sangat. Sesedap rasa katanya. Not bad!


Oh ya, as a dessert we had Fruits Bingsu which like ABC in Malaysia. Sedap juga tapi kena order last2 sepatutnya sebab ais dia dah mencair while we ate it.

So, what's your favourite Korean dish?
Mind to share in the comment below :)

Wife T.O.P
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