A Life Changing

Thursday, April 20, 2017
Assalamualaikum and hi all :)

This third week of April is started of my new life journey. No more owl life and hello dark and sweet dawn. I'm grateful that everything was happen after my master's class end. Thank you ALLAH for this arrangement.

I've been used to sleep at 9-11 am so now I'm still training my self to wide awake during that period. It is hard but it will be good for sure. In shaa ALLAH. Blog pun dah lama bersawang sebab bila malam balik dah attack katil nak tidur.

Well, laziness will never help me to make improvement in life. So yeah, I have to keep survive and my butt off to work harder. There are a lot of things I want to do this year. TRAVEL is the biggest plan for 2017. Wait, I should include FINISH MY MASTER project in the list! Ya ALLAH please help me makes everything come true and easier.

Hal duit dan impian ni memang berkait rapat. Nak harapkan duit gaji je mungkin impian lambat termakbul. Jadinya, marilah pulun bisnes sehabis baik. Aqma boleh! Aqma POWER! Sales aqma gempak! :D

Apa plan TERBESAR korang tahun ni?
Jom kongsi kat komen :)

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