Saturday, February 10, 2018
Assalamualaikum and hi all :)

Adakala kita tersalah langkah dalam mencapai impian. Kita rasa kita dah sehabis baik berusaha susah payah tapi why still not achieve what we want? There is when post mortem play its role. Kadang2 apa yang kita buat tu rupayanya tersalah langkah. My mentor once said, "Dalam business ibarat orang tengah pasang marble, kalau dari awal dah senget. Tapi tak betulkan dari awal nanti tile yang seterusnya memang nampak obvious senget.."

After that, bila dah jumpa mana kekurangan, kita kena set new KPI. KPI means "Key Performance Indicator". In order to achieve all the dreams, there are few KPI that we have to achieve. KPI is something that can be measured. If we can achieve all the KPI then automatically we can achieve our dream. In shaa ALLAH.

In my business, I'm blessed that I have mentor to be referred on this matter. Sometime kita sebagai manusia biasa tak nampak apa kelemahan but orang lain does. Glad that my mentor always with me so she can advice me in what to improve. Nak cerita kelemahan diri ni tak semua orang boleh jujur or if diorang bagi pendapat pun might yang negative je. Lebih baik share pada mentor. She knows how our progress is going.

So semalam dapat peluang jumpa my mentor and gang TDC yang lain. Rasa lebih faham and jelas after apa yang mentor share. Not just in term of strategy but also in motivation. The short cut to success is getting a MENTOR. Alhamdulillah I'm glad that I'm doing a business that mentor will always at my back.

O-group with CDM Shaliza Aziz
From now on after identified all the weakness, it's the time to clear the "ROADBLOCKS" and JALAN TERUS! BUAT JEEE! That's the key in achieving the KPI within the timeline. In shaa ALLAH!

Sis first time pergi Fish and Co. Hiks! #ootdpremiumbeautiful
Then after group coaching, Aqma singgah ZARA cuci mata for my business attire. BONUS bisnes dah masuk. So, gatal tangan sikit lah! :P

First time pilih baju beriben. YAY or NAY? :)
Alhamdulillah for a fruitful Jumaat. Esoknya pula aqma ada FREE TRAINING for Premium Beautiful by HQ. Seronoknya biz ni! Sokmo bagi ilmu free, tak grab rugi nyaa! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

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