Diet Tips: Instead of Rice, Why Don't You Change to 'THIS' ?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.

As a Malaysian, rice is a must have item in our daily food intake. Unfortunately, in loosing weight process rice contains high carbohydrate and calories which might disturbing the process. 

However, no worries cause there is a solution for rice lover. Why don't change your rice to couscous? You can make couscous dish instead of fried rice! Believe it or not, it is under 300 calories! 

The ala-ala fried rice but it is couscous

You can get your couscous at nearby supermarket such as Tesco,Cold Storage, Jaya Grocer and etc.. 

Raw couscous
Actually you don't have to fried the couscous to make it like fried rice. You just need to mix all the ingredients together. 

How I know about this couscous thing? 

From this video. Thanks dear Joanna for the recipe and tips. Follow her video to get zillions information how to loose weight in a right way in terms of workout and meal plans. 

Hope this entry helps you to change your meal plan with something healthier and low calorie. 

With love, 

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