10022020 | Late Night Post

Monday, February 10, 2020
Assalamualaikum and hi all :)

It's just a random post here. My hands just wanted to type something and I can't sleep now. I dont know if it was a symptom or what. Since I know myself very well, if I sleep late at night the following morning I will feel unwell, dizzy and discomfort about myself.

Why lah aqma can't sleep now. Maybe because I just had a short nap and while I ironed my clothes for work, I was watching such a productive typing video in Youtube. Serve me right ! Okay let's talk about something that I wanna improve about my life. I know I might not achieve everything but at least I'm listing on what I want to achieve and at leasttt I have dreams.

So these are the things that I want to achieve:

1) Be consistent in exercise
2) Read Quran daily
3) Selawat more than 100 times daily
4) Smile to my parents no matter how tired I am
5) Pray to ALLAH harder and trust Him more
6) Keep watching on my health
7) Achieve my business target
8) Be grateful
9) LOVE myself first

The 10th is the most struggling one. Well, ALLAH loves me. I believe there are tonnes of reason why ALLAH wants me to take care of my body better.

Till then,

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